Is your practice PIP payment at risk?
Late notice Accreditation Survey VisitsRecently a number of practices have approached QPA seeking an urgent late notice accreditation survey visit (assessment) where their current accreditation provider is experiencing issues in scheduling their visits under the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme (NGPAS) guidelines, potentially exposing practices to the risk of losing their PIP.
Under the NGPAS, practices are required to have their survey visit scheduled in at least five months prior to their current accreditation expiry date.
QPA has sought advice from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality for Health Care on how to support these practices
The following is advice provided by the Commission:
- When a general practice requests to transfer to QPA due to a scheduling issue with another accrediting agency and QPA is unable to maintain the current accreditation cycle (i.e. the accreditation expiry date is within five months of the practice requesting to transfer), QPA will schedule the initial assessment at the earliest reasonable date
- If an extension is required to allow the general practice the full 65 business day remediation period and 20 business days for QPA to generate the final report, the Commission will consider extension requests to the accreditation expiry date
- Extension requests will need to be submitted via the online form: the date of the on-site assessment must be included so the Commission can consider an extension that will allow the general practice the full 65 business day remediation period and 20 business days for QPA to generate the final report
- General practices must be advised in writing of the consequences of not meeting accreditation timeframes, including the impact on PIP/WIP funding and that it is not anticipated any further extensions will be provided to these practices.
This agreement will be reviewed in June 2023.
(end Commission advice)
QPA does not have the same logistical issues in sourcing surveyors that some other agencies may have.
For practices having an urgent need for an assessment consistent with the advice provided by the Commission, QPA can typically organise a visit for most practices within one month, but will guarantee a survey visit within two months, on completion and acceptance of an application for accreditation.
QPA will provide each practice with a Quality Accreditation Manager to provide urgent support to the practice with the process, but cannot provide consultancy services or guarantee accreditation.
QPA will assist with an application for extension to the Commission but cannot guarantee that the Commission will necessarily grant an extension.
The practice will be required to close all non conformities within the timeframes published by the Commission prior to QPA issuing an accreditation certificate. The practice will not achieve accreditation if it fails to close all non conformities within the published timeframes. QPA is required to notify Services Australia and the Commission of the details of accredited practices. Practices that are not accredited will not be eligible to receive ongoing PIP or WIP payments.
The Commission’s policy regarding extension of accreditation is available at: Extension to Accreditation
Download further information on the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme here
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